Monday, April 12, 2010


Please go to and read about a friend of mine that needs your prayers. I have never "linked up" here goes nothing! You can read the story firsthand over at There is no way for any of us to know what to say....but God knows what to do. Whatever is supposed to happen is already taken care of for her. Please join me in praying that Amy Beth keeps her eyes on the one that holds her in His hands....that she can remember-even in the darkest hour of this-that God doesn't have a plan B. Thank you for taking the time to read and pray. Let's all watch God work!

*Update: Surprise, links in the post didn't work so you will have to type the web address in the old fashioned way....Sorry guys!*

1 comment:

Here's your chance to talk it all out with me! Remember-this is a "family friendly" any comments that contain any vulgarity will be deleted. nice, and be authentic!